On a harsh rainy day, a high school student without any particular special skills, Usato Ken got dragged into another world summoning with two others; a good-looking guy and a beautiful girl, both of whom he strangely started getting along with just today. As an especially talent-less individual that doesn’t stand out he internally thought that he would be treated as useless. However, the others were unexpectedly kind.
Usato who found hope in another world thought that, but the reality was different. He had a certain magical talent hidden in him and he was forced to fall into hell in the name of “training.”
Chiyu Mahou no Machigatta Tsukaikata – Senjou wo Kakeru Kaifuku Youin –
La mauvaise façon d’utiliser la magie de soin –
Chiyu Mahou no Machigatta Tsukaikata – Senjou o Kakeru Kaifuku Youin –
Неправильный способ использования Исцеляющей Магии –
治癒魔法の間違った使い方 ~戦場を駆ける回復要員~ –
治癒魔法的錯誤使用法~奔赴戰場的治療人員~ –
치유마법의 잘못된 사용법
Chiyu Mahou no Machigatta Tsukaikata - Senjou o Kakeru Kaifuku Youin